Do not enable content

Consider the following situation: Someone you’ve communicated with before sends you a personalized but unsolicited email with an attachment.   You check the return email and confirm that it came from the person’s legitimate email address.  Even though you were not expecting the email, you open the attachment anyway.  The Microsoft Office document prompts you to…

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Update Notice

Please update your various devices/systems. There have been some recent challenges to the security of Windows and the Chrome browser: A Windows Wifi takeover attack can allow a hacker access to your computer through Wi-Fi without your knowledge or interaction. Chrome has patched 4 zero-day attacks in just two weeks. Most devices will automatically update…

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Browse the web privately

Privacy simplified.  With the free DuckDuckGo browser You share your most intimate secrets with your search engine: medical, financial, and personal issues, along with all your day-to-day concerns. All that personal information should be private, but – on Google – it’s not. On Google, your searches are tracked, stored, and packaged up into a data…

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Cybersecurity Threat Definitions

Malware, phishing, ransomware… so many terms.  Do you know what they all mean? We all know that our computers are under attack, and we most likely know many of the types of these attacks.  But there are probably several types that you are not aware of, leaving you vulnerable. Please review this short list of…

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Reboot Regularly

A reboot a week keeps the doctor away   Would you like to prevent most of your computer problems with a simple procedure that takes all of 3 minutes once a week?  Would you do it?  It’s as easy as rebooting your computer… in fact, it *IS* rebooting your computer. To find out why rebooting…

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Take the 2-minute 2024 Best Practices quiz

Do you know how to protect yourself online? Two minutes to find out!   So, the holidays are over and you’re back at work.  Are you focused, or will you fall into one of the many online traps?  This quiz will remind you of the most important points to keep you safe!  Please take two…

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Read that email, and check it twice

You want to find out if its naughty or nice… This is the time of year to be extra careful with emails.  We are often busy with deadlines during the holidays which can lead us to rush more than normal.  This could allow us to miss scams that we ordinarily would catch.  Be careful, read…

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Don’t click on that ad! Stay away from sketchy websites if you don’t want to get infected.  Sounds familiar, right?  But does that mean that legitimate sites are always safe?  Unfortunately, no.  The risk comes from the ads embedded in the sites that may infect your computer. But, how could a legitimate site embed a…

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Don’t click that link!

Who is responsible for your computer’s security? You can expect your IT support folks (if you have them) to put security layers in place to protect you and your equipment, but if you bypass that security…. then who is responsible? Yes, it is vital to install and maintain an antivirus solution on your device(s), and…

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Protect yourself from tech support scams

What to look out for Tech support scams are attempts by scammers to use scare tactics to trick you into fake technical support services to supposedly fix device or software problems that don’t exist.  At best, the scammers are trying to get you to pay them to “fix” a nonexistent problem with your device or…

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Update your Apple devices now

Patches are available for zero-day Apple security vulnerabilities Apple has released iOS security updates for both new and old devices, starting with iPhone 6s.  These updates contain no new features but will protect you against multiple zero-day vulnerabilities which Apple claims have already been actively exploited. For more information, please read the rest of this…

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Keep emails to a single topic

If possible, limit a business email to a single topic Many people find it frustrating to receive emails with multiple topics.  They may not be ready to respond to each topic at the same time, leading to potentially fractured email chains.  And if they don’t address each topic, how do you file it?   This…

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Computer locked up? Use Emergency Restart

If your Windows computer locks up, try the Emergency Restart. If your Windows computer is not responding, there is one last option to try before pressing and holding the power button (OK, two last options if you are a client of HDF and can call us for help): Try using the Emergency Restart. This article…

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World Password Day

Review your passwords (at least the important ones) A recent study that reviewed 15 billion passwords found that the top 10 most popular passwords still include “123456” and “qwerty”.  Before you gloat, thinking that you’re too smart to use one of those, ask yourself if “Diane2021!” is that much better?  Remember, hackers have plenty of…

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Google tailors your results

Get clean, unbiased, untracked search results through any browser with DuckDuckGo   If two people enter the same search term in Google, would you expect them to get the same results?  This article provides the answer and explains how Google’s tracking system skews each person’s results.  It also provides details of an alternative search engine…

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