Don’t use unapproved apps

Select from those apps approved by your company   The cloud provides many free IT apps to share and collaborate with your friends and colleagues, including Dropbox, Slack, Google Drive, iCloud, etc.  If your company has not authorized their use for company data, then they are unapproved and you shouldn’t be storing work data there.…

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Dell Command | Update

Update your Dell BIOS and device drivers   The Dell Command | Update (DCU) app (or the alternate “Dell Update” app) allows you to discover and install driver, BIOS and firmware updates on your system.  The app allows you to keep your system up to date by automatically interrogating your system and comparing it to…

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SharePoint Folder – External member

You’ve received an invitation link to a SharePoint folder from another organization.  How do you accept?   SharePoint is (among other things) an online file sharing system.  Typically, it is setup for members of an organization.  It has security measures in place to protect the files from other users, especially those outside the organization.  However,…

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Dark Mode – How to enable it

Dark Mode may be easier on your eyes   Dark Mode is all the rage these day.  By reversing the dark and light elements of the page you may reduce eye strain, lessen battery demand, and help you sleep at night. If you wish to enable it, this article walks you through the steps to…

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Access your email through Outlook

Using the Outlook program installed on your computer   Virtually all email accounts can be accessed through a web browser.  Using an installed version of Outlook on your computer, however, will provide more features, offline access and easier handling. This article will direct you to tutorials giving you step-by-step instructions to add your email account…

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That package delivery email may be fake

Watch out for fake package delivery messages   You’re busy trying to meet deadlines.  An email pops up with a package delivery notice, you quickly review it and click the link asking for more information.  That’s all it takes to install malware on your computer.  Even with all the pressure on us these days, we…

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Empty your Trash

Save space and remove security risks   Just as the Coasters sang so many years ago: “Take out the papers and the trash…. or you don’t get no spendin’ cash…”, we sometimes need to be reminded of this simple task.  Yes, your computer has trash deposits that regularly need to be emptied. Take a moment…

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RFJ – O365 File Storage Plan

Rising For Justice’s plan to store files in O365   We are in the process of migrating your data from Google Drive to Microsoft’s O365.  This data migration involves not just moving files in the way they are currently organized, but also reorganizing them to better reflect your needs. Much of the data currently in…

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