MS Office Security Hole

Be extra careful with MS Office documents   A security hole has been discovered in Windows which allows hackers to bypass protection measures by configuring a malicious MS Office document (Word, Excel, etc.) and tricking you into opening it.  Microsoft has not yet fixed the vulnerability, so we need to be extra vigilant about receiving…

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Update Your Browser

Your browser needs to be kept up-to-date   Your browser is arguably the most vulnerable piece of software on your computer or phone, since you use it regularly to access the Internet.  Browser developers are constantly providing new features to keep you as a customer and to win new ones.  This constant addition of new…

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Heightened Vigilance

This is a dangerous time.  Keep your eyes open.   Along with the egregious physical attack on the ground in Ukraine, cyber-attacks are flying back and forth between the combatants.  Unfortunately, these cyber-attacks are not limited to Russia and Ukraine.  Parties trying for a peaceful resolution using sanctions are also viable victims in this battle.…

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Better search results

There is more to using a search engine then just typing in words… Entering a search word or phrase in a search engine is easy.  But does the most relevant (to you) page show up in the first page of results?  Do you spend too much time rummaging through the pages and pages of results…

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Delete abandoned accounts

Unused site accounts can come back to haunt you   How many old, abandoned accounts do you have?  If you are like most of us, there are plenty of sites you have signed into, and for one reason or another are no longer interested in.  Why not just forget about them, and let them gather…

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