Take the 2-minute year end Best Practices quiz

Two minutes = better habits!   With the holidays, family gatherings and celebrations behind us, it’s time to focus on work and, hopefully, remember some of the best practices we’ve learned.  Please take two minutes to review the questions in this quiz to help you start the year productively and safely. More information: After reading…

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The holidays are here – be careful

Whatever they offer you, don’t feed the plants.   This next month and a half is a very busy time for those of us shopping for gifts.  It’s also an increasingly busy season for hackers.  What better time to slip in traps then when we are spending a lot of money and are put off…

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Flash drives can fail

Do not rely on flash drives to protect your data   USB flash drives are ubiquitous.  We all have several of them that we use to quickly store data, or to transport data from one computer to another.  Unfortunately, like all forms of digital storage, flash drives can break or corrupt your data, typically at…

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Block update to Windows 11

Microsoft will start pushing out Windows 11 on October 5.   This article includes steps to run a Registry script to block the install of Windows 11.  You only have to run it once, and it will prevent your computer from upgrading to Windows 11.  If you want to upgrade in the future, you can…

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Please do not update to Windows 11

Microsoft will start pushing out Windows 11 on October 5.   Please do NOT allow your computer to upgrade to Windows 11 for now.  There will certainly be some initial issues, incompatibilities, and confusion.  We don’t need to be the guinea pigs on this one. On your office computers, we encourage you strongly to not…

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Recall an email

Can you undo that email you just sent?   Have you ever wanted to retract an email?  Perhaps you replied in haste and now you’ve changed your mind, or you replied to an email when you really wanted to forward it to someone else…  You’ve already sent the email, and you’re staring at the screen,…

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