Teams – Join a Meeting as an outside participant

If you have been asked to participant in a video conference (Meeting) as an outside participant (someone from a different organization), please follow the simple steps below. What you will need to join the meeting: A PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android phone. An internet connection, or a cellular data plan. If you want to…

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Teams – Meet with people inside your organization

In Microsoft terms a video conference is called a Meeting.  You can have a meeting with Participants Inside Your Organization (PIYO) and/or Participants Outside Your Organization (POYO).  PIYOs are only those participants who have an email address in the same domain as you.  If any of your desired Participants are Outside your organization, please view…

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Teams – Meet with people outside your organization

In Microsoft terms a video conference is called a Meeting.  You can have a meeting with anyone, even with a Participant Outside Your Organization (POYO).  POYOs are anybody with an email address which has a different domain than your own.  The Team App will invite them to join the meeting by sending them an email which…

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