O365 Phone – Outlook on an Android device

Syncing your O365 email on your Android device using the Outlook app The Outlook app is available for free from the Play Store.  Using it would give you an experience similar to your experience using Outlook on your computer. The steps below show you how to connect your Android device to your O365 account on…

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O365 Phone – Outlook on an Apple device

Syncing your O365 email on your Apple device using the Outlook app The Outlook app is available for free from the Apple store.  Using it would give you an experience similar to your experience using Outlook on your computer. The steps below show you how to connect your Apple device to your O365 account on…

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O365 Phone – Apple iOS Mail app

Syncing your O365 email on your Apple device using the built-in email app Your Apple device comes with the iOS Mail app.  This built-in app can be used to easily sync your O365 email with your device. The steps below show you how to connect your Apple device to your O365 account.   Note: You…

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O365 Phone – Android Gmail app

Syncing your O365 email on your Android device using the built-in email app Your device running the Android OS comes with the gmail app.  This built-in app can be used to easily sync your O365 email with your device. The steps below show you how to use the automated way to connect your Android device…

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HDF Mail Assure

HDF’s email filtering system: What you need to know.   HDF offers additional email protection through SolarWinds Mail Assure.  Mail Assure filters our clients’ email before it arrives at their email server, blocking SPAM and viruses before they can reach our mailboxes. If you are interested in getting more email protection, or are unsure if…

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There’s a new browser in town

Microsoft has released its new browser   Microsoft has (fairly) silently pushed out the new version of it’s browser: Edge.  You may have noticed the new “e” logo on your task bar, or worse yet, you may have noticed that your default browser was changed… without your permission. This article tells you everything you need…

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How Twitter got breached

How hackers breached Twitter – and what WE can learn from it   On July 15th, Tweets were sent from 45 different accounts including those of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Obama, Apple and others. The attack did not crack any software or hardware security systems. They got access to the accounts by merely asking for…

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Your computer froze – now what?

Your computer stops responding… You’re typing on a Word document, and all of a sudden your cursor stops moving and your computer becomes unresponsive. You’ve just launched your browser and nothing is happening on your screen. You try to click it again, but the computer isn’t responding to anything you do. You left your computer…

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