Get your computer issue resolved faster… these important details will help identify the problem.
This InfoLine article has been updated. Please refer to the new version at:
Please do *NOT* force your computer off by pressing and holding the power button
If your computer is “acting up”, please contact us before forcing it off. Doing so can cause data loss and potentially cause corruption in OS files leaving your computer in an unbootable state. While this type of corruption is far less likely than it used to be with previous OS versions, it is still a possibility. Sometimes you will see us force a computer off this way, but only *as a last resort*.
Before you contact us, please:
Have you rebooted your computer?
Rebooting your computer releases resources, clears out memory, and restarts programs. See our article Reboot every couple of days. If you are able to, please reboot your computer before contacting us.
If you have questions about this, please let us know and we will be happy to assist you.
Take care,